Selasa, 26 Oktober 2010

Beautiful Valley in Ranah Minang

A beautiful valley which is located in Mount Singgalang become an icon of tourism mainstay of West Sumatra Province. Sianok canyon, the name of this beautiful valley at the border town of Bukittinggi, District IV Koto, Agam regency, West Sumatra. Magnificent stretch of steep valley extending up to 15 kilometers. Width with a depth of 200 meters to 100 meters cliff.

Because flowed "Trunk Sianok" which means crystal clear river, canyon or valley called Canyon Sianok. Sianok rod can now be forded by using the canoe and kayak yg disaranai by a water sports organization "Qurays". The route taken is from village to village Sitingkai Lambah Stem Palupuh for approximately 3.5 hours

Photo credits - F Dewi Ria Utari

Sianok canyon elongated and meandering as the southern border town of Canyon Koto Gadang reached the canyon Sianok Six Tribe, and ends at Palupuh, is part of the fault which divides the two island of Sumatra. Fault Fault famous by the name Semangko (shaped like a watermelon cut open) is to form a steep wall, even perpendicular and form a green valley - the result of decreased movement of earth crust (sinklinal) - which fed the water is crystal clear Sianok Trunk. In the Dutch colonial era, this gap also called buffalo sanget, because of the many free-living wild buffalo in the bottom of the canyon.

Sianok canyon is also often referred to as the "Dream Land of Sumatra 'has a fascinating natural scenery and the air is so cool. Like a velvet blanket of green surrounded by beautiful hills, this is the appearance of this beautiful valley when viewed from above. On the hills in the canyon Sianok grow rare plants such as Rafflesia or carrion flowers, medicinal plants, and so forth. At the bottom of the gorge you can stroll leisurely, greet the locals who live in settlements in the surrounding area. You also can find a variety of fauna in the canyon Sianok like long-tailed monkey, siaman, hoop, deer, wild boar, leopard, and tapirs.

Photo credits - F Dewi Ria Utari

If you enjoyed from Panorama Park is deliberately constructed by local governments in the area of Bukit Tinggi, the beauty of the canyon Sianok looks incredible. From the Panorama Park is also a lot of local and foreign tourists enjoying the sun rises and sets on the canyon Sianok. Its beauty is so striking and is a good target for professional and amateur photographers and painters to mengabadikannya nature.

When the sun rose the heavens parted and emerged from the crevices of canyon slopes with blinding light, or when "the king's day" was getting dusk fell, leaving traces of orange on the side of the canyon walls, is the beautiful scenery that is very dear to miss.

If you want to enjoy the beauty of the canyon from Panorama Park, just pay a levy of $0,4 a person. In Panorama Park, visitors can also enjoy the tourist sites in underground holes Japan Sianok canyon area. Only need to pay more guides about $2,1. The location of this Japanese hole about 40 feet below ground. The hole was founded in 1942-1945 by local populations on the orders of Japanese soldiers forced. In the underground passage, there were 21 small alley. Among them was the ammunition storage hall, kitchen, jail, courtroom, torture chamber, where reconnaissance, where the ambush, and escape door.

Photo credits - F Dewi Ria Utari

To reach the canyon Sianok Panorama Park which is about 1 km from the center of Bukittinggi (Clock Tower area and Upper Market) can be done by using a vehicle or on foot while enjoying the cool air of Bukittinggi. Stunning canyon scenery can be enjoyed from there as he saw agility canyon monkeys that live freely in the Park area.

A number of airlines providing scheduled flight from Jakarta to Minangkabau International Airport, Padang. From Padang, Bukittinggi, a distance to 90 km can be reached by using a rental car or minibus.

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